19届非氧化物和新型光学玻璃国际会议 - 硫系玻璃 | 宁波大学红外材料及器件实验室
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作者: irglass 时间: 2014-06-12 浏览:2,818 次



(The 19th international symposium on non-oxide and new optical glasses)




 <span "="" style="font-size: 9pt;"> 址:



韩国,济州岛 (Jeju, Korea)




201433日    2014614








This International Symposium on Non-Oxide and New Optical Glasses, ISNOG 2014, is the 19th of a successful series of meetings, the first of which was held in Cambridge (UK) in 1981, followed by Troy (USA, 1983), Rennes (France, 1985), Monterey (USA, 1987), Shizuoka (Japan, 1988), Clausthal-Zellerfeld (Germany, 1989), Lorne (Victoria, Australia, 1991), Perros-Guirec (France, 1992), Hangzhou (China, 1994), Corning (USA, 1996), Sheffield (UK, 1998), Florianopolis (Brazil, 2000), Pardubice (Czech Republic, 2002), Florida (USA, 2004), Bangalore (India, 2006), Montpellier (France, 2008), Ningbo (China, 2010) and San Malo (France, 2012).
ISNOG deals with the synthesis, processing, characterization, modeling and physical properties of novel non-oxide, hybrids, glass ceramics and new functional glasses with high technological impact potential such as nano, bio and energy applications. This time, the symposium also deals with glass materials for displays and lightings which are industrially important. ISNOG 2014 will provide a great opportunity for material scientist, chemists, physicists, and device engineers to debate about the state of the art and perspectives, to share their ideas, solutions and issues related to the crucial role played by Non-Oxide and New Optical Glasses in cutting edge technologies. 
ISNOG 2014 will be held in the beautiful island of Jeju, South Korea where can provide perfect place for the scientific discussions and comfortable stay.





 1. Synthesis, Melting Processing
 2. Glass transition, Relaxation in Glasses and Glass Forming Liquid, Mechanical Properties
 3. Modeling of Glass Structures, Structure and Properties
 4. Glass-ceramics / Optical ceramics, Optical Thin films, Optical Glasses
 5. Glasses and Glass Ceramics for Active Applications, Fibers and Optical waveguides, Non-linear Glasses and Fibers
 6. Phase Change Materials and Photo-induced Effects
 7. Glasses for Energy Applications
 8. Glasses for Medicine and Biotechnology
 9. Advanced Glasses for IT Devices (Special session)