Laboratory of Infrared Material and Devices
Mid-infrared Optical Properties of Chalcogenide Glasses within Tin-Antimony-Selenium Ternary System
Author: irglass Post: 2018-04-03 Visits:4,022 次

FTIR spectra of Sn-Sb-Se ChGs and comparison with As40Se60, Ge20Sb15Se65 ChGs

Lin, R., Chen, F*., et al. Optics Express 25(21), 25674-25688 (2017).

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Chalcogenide glasses (ChGs) known as a category of amorphous infrared material have been regarded as a promising candidate for nonlinear optical devices due to their large third-order optical nonlinearity.

Recently, Ruiqiang Lin and Feifei Chen et al. investigated the mid-infrared (MIR) optical properties of selenide (Se-based) ChGs within an As- and Ge-free system, namely the tin–antimony–selenium (Sn-Sb-Se, SSS) ternary system, which has not been systematically studied to the best of our knowledge. As compared to ChGs within those conventional Se-based systems, SSS ChGs were found to exhibit extended infrared transmittance range as well as larger linear refractive index (n0). Femtosecond Z-scan measurements show the presence of evident three-photon absorption from the SSS ChGs at MIR wavelength, which resonantly enhanced the nonlinear refractive behavior and resulted in large nonlinear refractive index (n2).

Plot of nonlinear refractive index (n2 at 4 μm) with three-photon absorption coefficient (a3 at 4 μm) for the all SSS ChGs as well as the As40Se60 glass.

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