Dr. Guoxiang Wang(王国祥)
Assistant Professor
Tel.:+86 0574-87609873
Fax: +86 0574-87600946;
Email: wangguoxiang@nbu.edu.cn
2011/09--2014/07 PhD Physical electronics, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences;
2008/09--2011/03 MSc Communication and information system, Ningbo University;
2004/09—2008/06 BSc Communication Engineering, Huanghe Science and Technology University.
Work Experience
2014/07-Present The Research Institute of Advanced Technologies, Ningbo University
Visiting Experience
2017/07-2018/07 Leibniz Institute of Surface Modification, Leipzig, Germany
Teaching Experience
2015-Present Spectral technology and application, for undergraduates, Ningbo University
Research Interests:
Nanocomposite/Superlattice phase change materials and its controllable crystallization behavior;
Laser irradiation-induced modifications of multilevel thin films;
Thermal-electric materials;
Selected Publications
1、G.X. Wang, C. Li, D.T. Shi, et al. Controllable crystal growth and fast reversible crystallization-to-amorphization in Sb2Te-TiO2 films, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7:46279.
2、G.X. Wang, J.J. Li, D.F. Qi, et al. Controllable phase separation and improved grain growth mode of Mg-doped Sb7Te3 films, Ceramics International, 2017, 43(15):12452-12458
3、C. Li, G.X. Wang* (Corresponding author), D.F. Qi, et al. Suppression for an intermediate phase in ZnSb films by NiO-doping, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7:8644.
4、G.X. Wang*, C. Li, Q.H. Nie, et al. Thermal stability and far infrared transmitting property of GeTe4-AsTe3-AgI glasses and glass-ceramics, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2017, 463:80-84
5、D.T. Shi, G.X. Wang*, C. Li, et al. Preparation and thermoelectric properties of MoTe2 thin films by magnetron co-sputtering, Vacuum, 2017, 138: 101-104 .
6、G.X. Wang, X. Shen, Q.H. Nie, et al. Improved thermal stability of C-doped Sb2Te films by increasing degree of disorder for memory application, Thin Solid Films, 2016, 615:345-350.
7、H. Wang, G.X. Wang*, D.T. Shi, et al, Compositional dependence of crystallization and structural stability in Ge–Sb–Se chalcogenide films, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2016, 453: 108-112.
8、J.C. Zhong, Y. Luo, T. Gu, Z. Wang, K. Jiang, G.X. Wang*, Y.G. Lu, Controllable crystallization and enhanced amorphous stability of Sb-Te films modified by Ag-doping, Mater. Res. Express, 2016, 3:106409
9、G.X. Wang, Y.M. Chen, X. Shen, et al. Controllable formation of nano-crystalline in Sb4Te films by Zn doping, J. Appl. Phys., 2015, 117(4):045303.
10、G.X. Wang*, X. Shen, Y.G. Lu, et al., Investigation on pseudo-binary ZnSb-Sb2Te3 material for phase change memory application, J. Alloys Compd., 2015, 622:341-346.
11、G.X. Wang*, X. Shen*, Y.G. Lu, et al. Understanding the role of Zn in improving the phase change behaviors of Sb2Te3 films, Thin Solid Films, 2015, 585: 57–65
12、G.X. Wang*, X. Shen, H. Wang, et al. Crystallization behaviors of W-doped Sb3Te phase change films, Vacuum, 2015, 121:142-146.
13、H. Wang, G.X. Wang*, Y.M. Chen, et al. Advantages of Mo4.9(Sb2Te)95.1 film with improved crystallization properties for phase change memory, Mater. Lett., 2015, 161: 240-243.
14、G.X. Wang, Y.M. Chen, X. Shen, et al. Reversibility and stability of ZnO-Sb2Te3 nanocomposite films for phase change memory application, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2014, 6:8488.
15、G.X. Wang, X. Shen, Q.H. Nie, et al. Improved phase-change characteristics of Zn-doped amorphous Sb7Te3 films for high-speed and low-power phase change memory, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2013,103:031914.
16、G.X. Wang, Q.H. Nie, X. Shen, et al. Phase change behaviors of Zn-doped Ge2Sb2Te5 films, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2012,101:51906.
17、X. Shen, G.X. Wang, R.P. Wang, et al. Enhanced thermal stability and electrical behavior of Zn-doped Sb2Te films for phase change memory application, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2013,102:131902.
18、Y.M. Chen, G.X. Wang, X. Shen, et al. Crystallization behaviors of ZnxSb100-x thin films for good data retention applications, CrystEngComm, 2014,16:757-762.
19、J.J. Li, G.X. Wang, J. Li, et al. Fast crystallization and low-power amorphization of Mg-Sb-Te reversible phase-change films, CrystEngComm, 2014,16(32):7401-7405.
20、G.X. Wang, X. Shen, Q.H. Nie, et al, Characterization of physical properties for Zn-doped Sb3Te films, Appl. Phys. Express, 2013,6:095801.
21、G.X. Wang, Q.H. Nie, X. Shen, et al. Advantages of Zn1.25Sb2Te3 material for phase change memory, Mater. Lett., 2012,87(15)135~138.
22、G.X. Wang, X. Shen, Q.H. Nie, R.P. Wang, L.C. Wu, Y.G. Lv, F. Chen, J. Fu, S.X. Dai, J. Li. Improved thermal and electrical properties of the Al-doped Ge2Sb2Te5 films for phase-change random access memory, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 2012,45:375302.
23、G.X. Wang, X. Shen, Q.H. Nie, et al. Te-based chalcogenide films with high thermal stability for phase change memory, J. Appl. Phys., 2012,111:093514.
24、G.X. Wang, Q.H. Nie, X.S. Wang, et al. New far-infrared transmitting Te-based chalcogenide glasses, J. Appl. Phys., 2011,110:043536.
Authorized patents
(1)G.X. Wang, X. Shen, P.P. Xu, et al. “A new method for preparing nano-composite TiO2-Sb2Te phase-change films”, Chinese Patent, ZL201510154171.4
(2)G.X. Wang, X. Shen, P.P. Xu, et al. “Zn-Sb-Se material for phase-change memory application”, Chinese Patent, ZL201410471034.9
(3)X. Shen, G.X. Wang, Q.H. Nie, et al. “A new method for preparing Zn-Sb-Te phase-change films”, Chinese Patent, ZL201310135767.0
(4)Q.H. Nie, G.X. Wang, X. Shen, et al. “A new method for preparing Zn-doped Ge2Sb2Te5 phase-change films”, Chinese Patent, ZL201210268864.2
(5)X. Shen, G.X. Wang, Q.H. Nie, et al. “A new method for preparing high-purity chalcogenide phase-change alloys”, Chinese Patent, ZL201210066288.3
Presided Project
(1)Project leader of “Controllable crystallization and microstructure interface stability of Zn-Sb based nanocomposite films” (2017/01~2019/12). This program was supported by National Science Foundation of China (Grant No: 61604083).
(2)Project leader of “Design, preparation and phase-change mechanism of high-performance nanocomposite films” (2015/01~2017/12). This program was supported by Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province, China (Grant No: LQ15F040002).
(3)Project leader of “Preparation and interfaces stability of Crystallization-induced nano-composite films” (2017/1~2018/6). This program was supported by Natural Science Foundation of Ningbo City, China (Grant No: 2017A610094).
(4)Project leader of “Multi-spectral Infrared chalcogenide glasses” (2016/1~2017/6). This program was supported by Open Foundation of State Key Laboratory of Infrared Physics (Grant No: M201510).