Xing Li (李杏)
The Research Institute of Advanced Technologies
Ningbo University
Ningbo 315211, China
Tel: 86-574-87609873, Email: lixing1@nbu.edu.cn
PhD Electronic Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, 2015
MSc Physical Electronics, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, 2011
BSc Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Liaoning Normal University, China, 2008
Work Experiences
2015.07-Present, Lecturer, The Research Institute of Advanced Technologies, Ningbo University
Research Interests
Ultrafast fiber lasers and their dynamics, 2-D material-based (graphene oxide, TMDs) pulsed fiber lasers
Near-infrared and Mid-infrared supercontinuum generation
Fiber nonlinear process (FWM, SRS, SSFS).
[1]Zugang Xue, Shuo Liu, Zheming Zhao, Nan Mi, Bo Wu, Xing Li*, Peiqing Zhang, Xunsi Wang, “Infrared suspended-core fiber fabrication based on stacked Chalcogenide glass extrusion,” Accepted by Journal of Lightwave Technology.
[2]Liming Cao, Xing Li*, Rui Zhang, Duanduan Wu, Shixun Dai, Jian Peng, Jian Weng, and Qiuhua Nie, “Tm-doped fiber laser mode-locking with MoS2-polyvinyl alcohol saturable absorber,” Optical Fiber Technology 41, 187-192(2018).
[3]Rui Zhang, Xing Li*, Shenggan Dai, Junpeng Li, Liming Cao, Duanduan Wu, Shixun Dai, Jian Peng, Jian Weng, and Qiu hua Nie*, “All-fiber 2 μm mode-locked thulium-doped fiber laser with the graphene oxide film,” Optik 157, 1292-1299(2018).
[4]Xing Li*, Kai Xia, Duanduan Wu, Qiuhua Nie, and Shixun Dai, “Bound states of solitons in a fiber laser with a microfiber-based WS2 saturable absorber,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 29(23), 2071-2074(2017).
[5]Erwei Zhu, Bo Wu, Xuhao Zhao, Jingsong Wang, Changgui Lin, Xunsi Wang, Xing Li*, and Peijing Tian*, “Surface crystallization behavior and physical properties of (GeTe4) 85 (AgI)15 chalcogenide glass,” Infrared Physics & Technology 86, 135-138(2017).
[6]Xing Li*, Miaomiao Wu, Weiwen Zou, and Shixun Dai, “Purified dissipative solitons with a rectangle spectrum from a hybrid mode-locked fiber laser,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 29(19), 1635-1638(2017).
[7]Xing Li*, Shenggan Dai, Weiwen Zou, Jianping Chen*, Qiuhua Nie, and Shixun Dai*, “Simultaneous emission of Gaussian-like and parabolic-like pulse waveforms in an erbium-doped dual-wavelength fiber laser,” Scientific Reports 7, 9414(2017).
[8]Xing Li*, Jianping Chen, and Shixun Dai, “Multiwavelength passively mode-locked fiber laser with ultra-broad bandwidth,” Optik 127(20), 10036-10041(2016).
[9]Xing Li, Weiwen Zou*, and Jianping Chen, “Passive harmonic hybrid mode-locked fiber laser with extremely broad spectrum,” Optics Express 23(16), 21424-21433(2015).
[10]Xing Li, Weiwen Zou*, Kan Wu, and Jianping Chen, “Timing-jitter reduction by use of a spectral filter in a broadband femtosecond fiber laser,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 27(8), 911-914(2015).
[11]Xing Li, Weiwen Zou*, and Jianping Chen, “34.3 fs pulse generation in an Er-doped fiber laser at 201 MHz repetition rate,” Electronics Letters 51(4), 351-352(2015).
[12]Xing Li, Weiwen Zou*, Guang Yang, and Jianping Chen, “Direct generation of 148 nm and 44.6 fs pulses in an Erbium-doped fiber laser,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 27(1), 93-96(2015).
[13]Xing Li, Weiwen Zou*, and Jianping Chen, “41.9 fs hybridly mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser at 212 MHz repetition rate,” Optics Letters 39(6), 1553-1556(2014).
[14]Meng Lei, Weiwen Zou, Xing Li, and Jianping Chen, “Ultrafast FBG interrogator based on time-stretch method. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 28(7), 778-781(2016).
[15]Kan Wu, Xiaoyan Zhang, Jun Wang, Xing Li, and Jianping Chen, “WS2 as a saturable absorber for ultrafast photonic applications of mode-locked and Q-switched lasers,” Optics Express 23(9), 11453-11461(2015).
[16]Guang Yang, Weiwen Zou, Xing Li, and Jianping Chen, “Theoretical and experimental analysis of channel mismatch in time-wavelength interleaved optical clock based on mode-locked laser,” Optics Express 23(3), 2174-2186(2015).
[17]Weihong Long, Weiwen Zou, Xing Li, Wenning Jiang, Xinwan Li, and Jianping Chen, “Tracing photon transmission in dye-doped DNA-CTMA optical nanofibers,” Optics Express 22(6), 6249-6256(2014).
[18]Haimei Luo, Xinwan Li, Weiwen Zou, Xing Li, Zehua Hong, and Jianping Chen, “Temperature-insensitive microdisplacement sensor based on locally bent microfiber taper modal interferometer,” IEEE Photonics Journal 4(3), 772-778(2012).
[19]Wuliji Hasi, Zhaoming Zhong, Zhi Qiao, Xiangyu Guo, Xing Li, Dianyang Lin, Weiming He, Ruiqing Fan, and Zhiwei Lü, “The effects of medium phonon lifetime on pulse compression ratio in the process of stimulated Brillouin scattering,” Optics Communications 285(16), 3541-3544(2012).
[20]Wuliji Hasi, Xiangyu Guo, Xing Li, Xizhao Geng, Zhiwei Lü, Dianyang Lin, Weiming He, and Ruiqing Fan, “A new method to improve the loading capacity of stimulated Brillouin scattering phase-conjugating mirror,” Applied Physics B 100(3), 577-580(2010).