(图)印度理工学院Prabhat K Dwivedi教授来我室访问 - 硫系玻璃 | 宁波大学红外材料及器件实验室
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(图)印度理工学院Prabhat K Dwivedi教授来我室访问
作者: irglass 时间: 2018-09-03 浏览:2,962 次

2018年8月29-31日印度理工学院(Indian institute of technology,简称IIT)坎普尔理工学院Prabhat K Dwivedi教授来我室做了为期三天的学术访问。在访问期间,Prabhat教授与我室研究人员深入讨论了围绕硫系玻璃、薄膜材料在微纳加工领域等领域今后的合作事项,并在高研院228会议室做题为《Materials, Methods and Manufacturing》的报告。报告详细介绍了Indian Institute of Technology的机构设置和各个实验室的研究方向,并围绕着Prabhat教授实验室近期的研究成果对硫系玻璃微透镜的制备方法等领域展开了学术报告。交流期间,Prabhat K Dwivedi教授参观了实验室,并表示以后将与本实验室开展硫系微透镜制备等微纳结构制备等领域相关合作研究。 

Prabhat K. Dwivedj教授简介:  

Prabhat K. Dwived is an experimental physicist. He received his Ph.D. from the Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur. He has been a visiting researcher at theUniversity of Alberta/TRLabs, Edmonton from 2000-2005 December, Canada before joining Centre for Nanosciences at IIT Kanpur. His main research interest lies in the development of various Infrared materials and process for photonic devices, optical properties of photonic materials, micro- and nanomechanical systems and development of micro/nanofabrication infrastructure. Currently, he is working on fabrication of 3- Dstructures on different materials using various schemes for low cost and large area patterning using grayscale lithography, soft lithography, nano imprint lithography. He has wide experience in the area optical materials and nano/micro fabrication.
· Senior Scientific Officer, Centre for Nanosciences, Indian Institute ofTechnology, Kanpur. 2014-current
· Visiting scholar, KNU university, Daegu South Korea July-September 2017
· Visiting Researcher, department of material engineering, Leigh University, USA, Sept. 2013-March 2014
· Research Scientist, Centre for Nanosciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. January 2006-December 2013
· Visiting Researcher, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada/TRLabs,       Edmonton, Canada. 2000- December 2005.

印度理工学院(Indian institute of technology,简称IIT)是由印度政府所建设和组成的七间自治工程与技术学院。在学术界具有世界声誉,被称为印度“科学皇冠上的瑰宝”,是印度最顶尖的工程教育与研究机构。印度理工学院创建于1951年,在全国共设有7所校区,分别是:德里理工学院、坎普尔理工学院、卡哈拉格普尔理工学院、马德拉斯理工学院、孟买理工学院、瓜哈提理工学院和卢克里理工学院。