多层硫系玻璃粉末快速烧结制备定制线性折射梯度折射率材料 - 硫系玻璃 | 宁波大学红外材料及器件实验室
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作者: irglass 时间: 2024-11-21 浏览:234 次

       近日,我室研究生郑文峰(第一作者)和刘自军研究员(通讯作者)、沈祥研究员(通讯作者)在Journal of the American Ceramic Society(IF=4.186)期刊上发表了题为“Customized linear refractive index GRIN prepared by rapid sintering of multilayer chalcogenide glass powders”的论文。文章链接:https://doi.org/10.1111/jace.19780。


       本研究采用火花等离子烧结法制备了多层硫系玻璃(ChGs)粉末的红外GRIN材料。ChGs粉末来源于Ge20Se80-xTex系列玻璃(x = 0-28 mol%),最大折射率差(Δn)为0.25。相似的玻璃化转变温度(ΔTg < 10℃)促进多层粉末的有效烧结。快速烧结六层、八层和十层不同成分的粉末,每层厚度分别为600、300和200µm。如此微小的层厚使得GRIN材料呈现出接近线性的折射率变化。能谱线扫描较好地表征了GRIN的梯度变化。10层GRIN折射率梯度与拟合目标线的最大偏差仅为±0.016。烧结后的GRIN具有良好的红外透明度,对中波和长波红外成像具有重要意义。

FIGURE 1 (A) Schematic diagram of SPS sintered ChGs powders. Ten layers of ChGs powders with different compositions were stacked axially in a graphite mold, each with a thickness of 200 µm. (B) Schematic diagram of a sintered GRIN sample. ChGs, chalcogenide glass; GRIN, gradient refractive index.

FIGURE 2 Cross-sectional high-resolution SEM images of 6- (A), 8- (B), and 10-layer (C) powder-sintered GRIN. GRIN, gradient refractive index.

FIGURE 3 (A) Te elemental distribution (blue dots) and corresponding refractive index distribution (red line) for six-layer sintered GRIN. (B) Te elemental distribution (black dots), corresponding refractive index distribution (red line), and their linear fitting results (green lines) for 10-layer sintered GRIN. The gradient distribution of the refractive index gradient (black line), the linear fitting results (red line), and their deviation curves (green line) for six-layer (C) and 10-layer (D) sintered GRIN, respectively. GRIN, gradient refractive index.